In the first half of this year, China's wind power generation increased by 16%. Artes 18 billion expansion to Hohhot | new energy headlines

Wind power led domestic new energy generation in the first half of the year

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) held a press conference on July 18 to introduce the economic and social development, power generation, investment project approval and other conditions in the first half of the year.

In terms of new energy, wind power generation grew fastest in the first half of this year. In the first half of this year, wind power grew 16 percent, solar power grew 7.4 percent and nuclear power grew 6.5 percent, the NDRC said.

From the overall power generation situation, the first half of the country's industrial power generation above designated size 4.17 trillion KWH, an increase of 3.8%. From the perspective of electricity consumption, the electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 5.0% in the first half of the year.

The NDRC also said that in the first half of this year, the growth momentum of development accelerated, and the output of new energy vehicles and photovoltaic cells increased by 35.0% and 54.5%, respectively, and the conversion of old and new growth momentum accelerated. In addition, the medium and long-term loan investment in the manufacturing industry has continued to make progress, and the signing and investment in the fields of traditional industrial transformation and upgrading, electronic information, and new energy have significantly increased.


According to the National Energy Administration issued the "New Power System Development Blue Book", in 2022, China's non-fossil energy generation will reach 3.1 trillion KWH, accounting for 36% of the total power generation. Among them, the installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation reached 760 million kilowatts, accounting for 30% of the total installed capacity. Wind power and photovoltaic power generation reached 1.2 trillion KWH, accounting for 14% of the total power generation, up 13 and 10 percentage points over 2010 and 2015, respectively.

Arthas expanded its production to Hohhot

Pv module manufacturer Artes (688472.SH) recently announced that it intends to invest about 18 billion yuan (phase I), including about 13 billion yuan in fixed assets investment, in the Hohhot Economic and technological Development Zone to build photovoltaic new energy industry chain project.

The company said that on July 16 this year, it signed the "Investment Cooperation Agreement on Photovoltaic new Energy whole industry chain Project" with the Hohhot Municipal People's Government and the Management Committee of the Hohhot Economic and Technological Development Zone, and reached a cooperation intention on the company's investment in the construction of photovoltaic new energy whole industry chain project in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

In the above announcement, the project is divided into three phases, of which the first phase of the project is an annual output of 30GW single crystal rod project, 80GW crucible project, 10GW single crystal slice project, 10GW solar cell project, 5GW photovoltaic module project, 5GW related supporting products project. The investment amount and construction cycle of the second and third projects will be separately negotiated in combination with the implementation of the first phase of the project and the demand of the photovoltaic market.

The first phase of the single crystal rod project will start construction in July 2023 and is scheduled to reach production in March 2024. The construction of other projects in Phase I will start in September 2023 and is scheduled to reach production in September 2024.

Artes also said that the above investment projects are in line with the new energy industry encouraged by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hohhot City, and can enjoy the preferential policies related to the introduction of industry by the Hohhot city government.

At the same time, the project can further improve the company's competitive position in the production field of upstream products such as single crystal rod and crucible, and improve the overall layout of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, which is conducive to the company to seize the development opportunities of the photovoltaic market.

In terms of performance, Arthas expects a net profit jump of at least 270% in the first half of this year. In the prospectus of A-share listing disclosed the performance forecast for the first half of this year, the company is expected to have operating income of 24.16 billion to 30.3 billion yuan in the first half of 2023, an increase of 22% to 53%; Net profit attributable to the parent is expected to be 1.688 billion yuan to 2.074 billion yuan, up 270% to 355% year on year; It is estimated that the net profit deducted from non-return to mother is 1.428 billion yuan to 1.814 billion yuan, up 218% to 304% year-on-year.

According to the "Investor Relations Activity Record" recently released by Artus, the company's core business is the research and development, production and sales of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, as well as large-scale energy storage system manufacturing and system solutions, and has been ranked in the world's top five photovoltaic module shipments for 12 consecutive years. Artes expects 2023 component shipments of 30GW to 35GW, an increase of 43% to 67%, the main distribution of components for China, Europe, the Americas, Southeast Asia and other regions.






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