International trade

Since the reform and opening up, China has sought cooperation opportunities with all countries in the world and established good trade partnerships with all countries in the world. The ten ASEAN countries are as close as lips and teeth to China or face each other across water. Naturally, they are also important objects of China's cooperation with them. From the opening of dialogue between China and ASEAN in 1991 to the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2020, the economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN over the past 30 years has added unprecedented vitality to the economy of the region. Against the backdrop of anti-globalization and unilateralism, ASEAN replaced the United States as China's second largest trading partner in goods in 2019. In 2020, ASEAN will become China's largest trading partner in goods, replacing the EU.

• In terms of policy, on July 09, 2021, The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Forms and Models of Foreign Trade (State Council (2021) No. 24), which proposed to improve the level of facilitation of market procurement trade methods. We will further optimize the integrated management system of market procurement and trade to achieve traceability of the source, controllable risks and accountability. We will continue to implement the pilot policies of simplifying customs declarations and exempting goods exported through market procurement and trade from VAT, and optimize the customs clearance process. We will expand the scope of pilot export trials of prepackaged food for market procurement and trade. Steadily promote the development of offshore trade. Banks are encouraged to explore ways to optimize business authenticity audit, improve audit efficiency based on customer credit classification and business model in accordance with the principle of exhibition, provide high-quality financial services for enterprises to carry out real and compliant offshore trade business, and improve the level of trade settlement facilitation. Further strengthen offshore trade business innovation in the pilot free trade zone, and support cities and regions that meet the conditions and have strong competitiveness and management capabilities to develop offshore trade.

• On May 26, 2022, The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting Foreign Trade to maintain stability and improve Quality (No. 18 (2022)), which put forward 13 specific measures in terms of logistics, expanding the market, reducing costs, etc., to help foreign trade enterprises cope with difficulties and challenges, help stabilize the economy and stabilize the industrial chain and supply chain, and "refuel" for stable foreign trade.

Taking the trade of spices and Chinese herbal medicines between China and ASEAN as the carrier

Build a supply chain economic ecological platform with "buy Southeast Asia and sell the world" as the core


International Trade - Platform characteristics

Characteristics of supply chain economic ecological platform


Data overview







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